Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Has the web caught you up in shear anticipation"

"Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies 
Look Out! Here comes the Spiderman. "  I know there are several people out there who simply can not wait for the "Amazing Spider Man" to come out.  It will be hitting the big screens on July 3, 2012.  Now the reason I am blogging about this now is because I know there is a vast number of opinions out there pertaining to the Spiderman movies done in the past.  Some people think the director was bad, while some others think Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst did an awful job portraying their roles as Peter Parker and Mary Jane.  Whether you liked or disliked the Spiderman trilogy, this movie should be a lot better than the attempts in the past.  The new movie coming out will be completely revamped with a new director and crew of actors.  In my opinion, I think this is an excellent choice because it will give the series a colorful change and new reason for people to attend the movies when it is released.  Sometimes change is good, and I believe change is perfect when it comes to the Spiderman movies.  Viewers simply do not want the same old routine actors and scripts; they have seen it in the past three movies.  People want a fresh new look at Spiderman, and I think that is what Marc Webb is concerned about, as he was in the process of directing "The Amazing Spiderman."  Webb has integrated an excellent cast for this movie in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone to name  a few.  Andrew Garfield has played in "The Social Network" and "Never Let Me Go", and Emma Stone has previously been aired in "Easy A" and "The Help", and "Crazy Stupid Love."  Emma Stone will be playing Gwen Stacy in this new Spiderman movie who is the girl Peter Parker is attracted to before he meets Mary Jane.  To avoid "spoiler alerts" I will not be sharing any more information.  I know for some strange reasons, there may be some of you out there who have not seen any of the previous movies in the series, and simply out of respect, I do not want to ruin anything for you.  My main purpose for blogging is to hear your opinions about it. Do you think it will be better or worse and why?  Has the web caught you up in shear anticipation?  If it has, please comment and share your thoughts!  I would love to hear them!

If you have just visited my site, you are probably wondering what it is all about.  My name is Josh and I am using this blog as a site where readers can receive movie buzz and plugins for movies and share their opinion on those movies. I would love to hear your opinion on whether or not the director and actors did a good job and what could of made the movie better.


  1. As a huge fan of Spiderman in my youth, I am looking forward to this film, as I was the first three. I really did enjoy the first set of films and thought the actors did a great job in bringing the world to life.

    I am most excited to see the flavor of Peter Parker brought by Garfield. I think he will offer a much more witty and comically nerdy Spiderman than seen in the previous set of films. While I think Toby McGuire did a good job hitting the emotional and awkward side of Spiderman, I did miss the rest of the character I had come to love in the animated show and comics.

    For what it's worth, I was not excited about this movie whatsoever when I first heard about it, but the trailers have gotten me more excited about its release as time has gone on.

    Definitely looking forward to seeing it!

  2. Thank you for your input Joe. Appreciate it!

    I agree with you in the fact that Garfield should bring a new twist to the Spiderman. Yes, Maguire was good, but i think Garfield will be exceptional,and simply can not wait to see it in a few weeks! And thank you for your honest opinion about your beginning thoughts towards this movie.

    I am curious as to what people are thinking about this movie, and why they think it will either flop or succeed.

  3. I am a big Spiderman lover! I believe the actors that portrayed MJ and Spiderman was perfect from them films, they had a chemistry. I am not as excited for the new film, cause not a fan of changing actors, but I will watch it and def give you my input again when I do.

  4. Thank you for your input!

    This is exactly why I created this blog. So I can hear other's honest opinions. I yend disagree with your view of the new movie as conveyed in my blog. But, that is all right. Movies don't touch all viewers in the same ways. Maybe you will be proven wrong, or maybe I will. Who knows? I guess we will have to wait and find out.


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