Monday, May 21, 2012


Greetings all Movie Lovers,
My name is Josh Zerbini, and I currently reside in Clarks Summit, PA, roughly two hours outside of Philly(home to the Philadelphia Eagles and Philidelphia Phillies) Well, now that I got myself sidetracked mentioning sports teams, I actually despise Philly teams being that I was born and raised in Connecticut.  Go Huskies, Redsox, and Patriots!!!  Ok, now that I have released that burden off my chest, let's talk about this new blog I have created. 
      Recently, some friends of mine told me I should start a blog where I could critique movies.  Why?   Because of my love for movies, thats why!  Some people would consider me a movie buff. I can go on for hours ranting on and on about "this" movie or "that" actor.                                            If you have just browsed this website for the first time, you have probably noticed the title: LET'S BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES! MOVIES ARE WHAT WE WISH OUR REAL WORLDS WOULD BE! I mean think about it for a moment.  No, keep thinking, keep thinking, Ok Good!  What about the animated world of Infamous "Toy Story" series.  Wouldn't it be awesome to be a little talking toy?  On a  side note, you must have realized by now that I get distracted...(Toy Story 3 is currently holding the 46th spot on The IMDB top movie list)    What about the shootem up, actioned packed , "Saving Private Ryan" Or, the intellectual movie, and one of my all time favorites, "Inception?"   How intriguing would it be to create your own dreams and then live in them? How about the suspensful thriller "Taken", where you could take revenge against those who have kidnapped your own daughter, and take out a whole army single-handedly, so to speak. That would be so sick!  Or what about the witty and comedic "Horrible Bosses", where you can sit with your friends and plot devious methods to take down your bosses?  I mean lets's be honest.  Don't your bosses drive you nuts some times? :)                        Ayways that is it for now.  In the future, I will be writing blogs where I will be critiquing all sorts of movies and actors, giving my opinion of them why they worked or why the flopped and possibly what the production staff could of done to improve them.  Note, that it will just be my opinion and you can take it or leave it.  If you have anyting you want to argue or critique yourself you can always just subscribe to my blog or shoot me an email.  I will be happy to converse with any other movie lovers out there! 

 If you have just visited my site, you are probably wondering what it is all about.  My name is Josh and I am using this blog as a site where readers can receive movie buzz and plugins for movies and share their opinion on those movies. I would love to hear your opinion on whether or not the director and actors did a good job and what could of made the movie better.                                               

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